
Twenty-four attorneys from Willcox Savage have been selected as members of Virginia’s 2014 Legal Elite.

Alternative Dispute Resolution
Hugh L. Patterson
Brett A. Spain

Appellate Law
Gary A. Bryant

Stephanie N. Gilbert

Thomas C. Inglima
Thomas G. Johnson, Jr.
Brian C. Purcell

Civil Litigation
Patrick D. Blake
Gregory A. Giordano
Conrad M. Shumadine

Stephen W. Brewer

Tasos A. Galiotos

Intellectual Property
Timothy J. Lockhart

Christopher A. Abel
Susan R. Blackman
William M. Furr
David A. Kushner

Legal Services/Pro Bono
Wiley F. Mitchell, Jr.

Warren L. Tisdale

Real Estate/Land Use
Stephen R. Davis
Robert L. Dewey
Matthew M. Dudley

Tax/Estates/Trusts/Elder Law
Allan G. Donn
Neil L. Rose

Michelle Shearon
Marketing Director
(757) 628-5631

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