
Allan G. Donn will be one of the presenters for the upcoming teleseminar, "Liability Issues for Entities: Fixing the Leaks in the Limited Liability Boat." This teleseminar is sponsored by ALI-ABA, and will be held on May 3, 2011, from 1:00-2:30pm (EDT). The teleseminar will be covering the following topics.

  • Owner liability protection provided by corporations, LLCs, LPs and LLPs - a comparison
  • Direct liability of owners of limited liability entities (i.e., without regard to piercing) under common law or statutory/regulatory provisions
  • Application of corporate veil piercing to non-corporate entities
  • Potential exposure of entity�s assets with respect to liabilities of owners (reverse piercing, etc.)
  • Liability associated with distributions and fraudulent transfers (including risks associated with winding up)

Click here to register.

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