Bridget is part of the firm’s Catastrophic Loss & Tort Defense practice group. She focuses her practice on complex civil litigation, with an emphasis on general liability, premise liability, product liability, employment-practices liability, and commercial transportation.

Bridget also handles Virginia General District Court cases—a venue that provides bench trials on claims under $50,000.

Before joining Willcox Savage, Bridget served as a Judicial Law Clerk for Judge Stuart A. Raphael of the Court of Appeals of Virginia. The Court of Appeals is Virginia’s intermediate appellate court. 

Bridget graduated from the University of Richmond School of Law summa cum laude as part of the Order of the Coif. During law school she was Online Editor of the University of Richmond Law Review and an active member of the Moot Court board. She also did pro bono work for the Virginia Equality Bar’s Name & Gender Marker Update Clinic and the University of Richmond’s Eviction Docket Review Program.

    • Education

      • J.D., University of Richmond School of Law, Order of the Coif, summa cum laude
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      • Virginia State Bar
    • Admission

      • Supreme Court of Virginia Bridget E. Maas Associate Willcox & Savage, P.C. 757.628.5597 757.628.5566
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